"Нұр-Мүбарак" олимпиадасы

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Nur-Mubarak EUIC is a higher education institution founded in 1993 by a common agreement between Arab Republic of Egypt and Kazakhstan. The highest governing body of the university is the Board of Trustees which consists of officials from both countries. Educational programs of the University are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The university is considered to be theone of top 20 universities in Kazakhstan. _ _

The university is located in an ecologically clean area of the city at the bottom ofAlatau foothills. The university possesses: 2 academic buildings, a hostel, a sports complex (football, volleyball, basketball, ice rink and gym), a library, reading rooms, Service Center for students, a sewing workshop "NMU-collection", NMU-shop and a canteen.

The University trains specialists by 13 educational programs.

In the Undergraduate Department:
  1. Исламтану(4 жылдық) — қазақ, ағылшын, орыс бөлімдері;
  2. Islamic Studies (3 years) – Kazakh Department, for graduates of madrasa;
  3. Religious Studies (4 years) – Kazakh Department;
  4. Religious Studies (3 years) – Kazakh Department, for graduates of madrasa;
  5. Religious Studies (2-3 years) – Kazakh Department, second higher education;
  6. Theology – 4 years) - Kazakh Department;
  7. Theology (3 years) – Kazakh Department, for graduates of madrasa;
  8. Theology (2-3 years) – Kazakh Department, second higher education;
  9. Шетел тілі: екі шет тілі (араб-ағылшын, ағылшын-араб) — 4 жылдық.
In the Magistracy Department:
  1. Islamic Studies-Kazakh department, scientific and pedagogical direction;
  2. Religious Studies-Kazakh department, scientific and pedagogical direction.
In the Doctoral Department:
  1. Islamic Studies-Kazakh department, scientific and pedagogical direction;
  2. Religious Studies-Kazakh department, scientific and pedagogical direction.

Исламтану, дінтану, теология мамандықтарына қабылданудың шекті балы -50. Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі мамандығының шекті балы -75. Бұл ретте ҰБТ және Шығармашылық емтиханның әрбірінен 5-тен жоғары балл жинау талап етіледі.

This year it is mandatory for applicants to pass the UNT by the approved subjects. According to the results of the UNT from June 20 to July 5 an enrollee can contact the admissions committee of the University to apply for a creative examination and from July 13 to 20 an enrolleecan apply for a state educational grant competition.

The university provides grants for all specialties. Enrollees who have scored a threshold score at the UNT and creative examination which was passed in June can apply for participating in the competition for an educational grant from July 13 to 20. According to the results of the competition enrollee who has scored a high score on the exams becomes the owner of a grant.

1) Application;

2) Certificate or diploma (original);

3) 8 photos of 3×4;

4) 075-У үлгісіндегі медициналық анықтама;

5) Vaccination certificate of type 063;

6) A copy of identity card is required.

The university possesses a dormitory for 610 students. First of all, students of the 1st year are fully provided with a hostel. The rest of the courses are given depending on their social status.